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Online activity data--for instance, from dating, housing search, or social networking sites --make it feasible to study human behavior with unparalleled richness and granularity. However, researchers typically rely on statistical models that highlight associations among variables rather than behaviour of human actors. Harnessing the full informatory power of action data requires features of human behavior and models that capture processes. As it unfolds online, our model aims to describe partner choice. It allows for decision stages and exploratory behavior, with the possibility of evaluation rules at each stage. This framework is flexible and extendable, where decision makers identify choices from a larger set of possibilities and it may be implemented in domains that are substantive.

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It wasn't so long ago that online dating was seen as the desperate (wo)man's game, who couldn't do well enough in real life. However, the world wide web is becoming a more accepted method of making relationships platonic and romantic. Studies reveal that 40 million people in America use dating apps, and Americans know someone who dates online. 64% of teens meet a valuable friend online, and internet dating is slated to develop as a relied-upon and more accepted method of finding love, as they becoming to next crop of millennials.

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