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After throwing myself in the deep end and registering for 10 sites in the first two months, I updated my membership and settled on three regulars. The response was overwhelming. I felt like I had been waving ovaries and kittens . I became instantly popular. And it went to my mind. Having a pocket-sized ego-booster -- sorry, I mean a mobile phone, can turn you . Part of the rush of online dating is currently seeing the message icon. And the more you online, the people message you, boosting your ego even more. It's a cycle that is constant. I logged in a dozen times a day. I sent my friends updates on my rank. In short, I became an insufferable narcissist. And my god, I loved it. Back Page Escourt I'd send out "hi, how was your week? " en masse and sit back and watch the answers roll in.

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I returned to my cellphone and opened OK Cupid, the free online dating service. I refreshed the feed that indicated whether other members of the area sat in bars. This service is called OK Cupid Locals. An OK Cupid Locals invitation has to start with the word 'Let's':

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